A Data Capturer enters data into computer files via keyboards. The data may or may not be in a
coded form. Data is then reviewed for accuracy and corrections are made. Data Capturers may
also type up computer programmes and set up instructions or programmes for the computer to
follow. They may also need to make margin changes, line adjustments and other routine typing
Typical Job Activities
Enters number data, codes and text from original material into the computer for storage
Receives invoices, forms, records and other documents for data capturing
Imports and exports data between different databases
Operates bookkeeping and calculating equipment
Checks accuracy of data and correct incorrect data when required
What natural skills and/or aptitudes do Data Capturers need?
Be accurate, alert and attentive
Have good typing skills and finger dexterity
Have good eye-hand coordination
Have the ability to concentrate for long periods
Have good eye for detail
Be an orderly thinker and worker
Possible Employers of Data Capturers
Educational and health care institutions
Government department’s
Market research organizations
Temp employment agencies
Self-employment, as a freelance data capturer or through a temp agency